Olduvai Gorge Museum

Laetoli Footprints

Location: Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.

The rock: dated to be 3.6 million years old.

Evolution states: Humans (Homo Habillis) evolved into existence about 2.5 million years ago.

Fact: There are human fossil footprints in this 3.6 million year old rock. There is no controversy about this. They are clearly human footprints.

Analysis of the Evidence: These are human footprints, so a human must have walked here.

Conclusion: These footprints were made by an ape-like Australopith, not a human.

Reason: The physical evidence is not allowed to contradict evolutionary theory. If there is a conflict between the observable evidence and evolutionary theory, reinterpret the evidence to create a new conclusion that does not conflict with evolutionary theory. Have you ever wondered why scientists have "never found" evidence of humans living "millions" of years ago? By definition it cannot exist.

Image credit: Kufundisha, modified to crop the image and add title, CC License.

Laetoli Footprints

Laetoli Human Footprints

Human footprints are unique. Our big toes point straight ahead, in line with the foot. We do not have claws. Our foot has a stiff structure designed for a strong push-ff needed for bipedal movement. We have an arched foot that leaves strong impressions of the the heel and balls of our feet. Human footprints are unlike those of any other living creature.

The Laetoli footprints were discovered by Mary Leakey's team in the late 1980's. They were analyzed by University of Chicago professor Russell Tuttle. In 1990 he concluded that the "footprint trails at Laetoli site G resemble those of habitually unshod modern humans." While this strongly conflicts with evolutionary theory, it fits with a Biblical flood with zero issues. We have lived with animals, including monkeys (australopiths, if they existed) and dinosaurs, since the sixth day of creation.

Are These the Oldest Human Footprints?

The Laetoli footprints are not the oldest human footprints. Discovered in 2002 and announced in a paper published in the Proceedings of the Geologist Association in 2017, the Trachilos (Crete) human footprints are dated at 5.7 million years old. Why did it take so long to get a paper published? In a CBS news interview the discovers explained, “We got ferociously aggressive responses saying this couldn't possibly be true and these can't be footprints at all... There would be at least one, and sometimes several reviewers who were in the first instance savagely hostile. ... Basically, it wasn't a true peer review process at all. They were just trying to shut us down.”

Have you ever wondered why scientists have "never found" evidence of humans living "millions" of years ago? By definition it cannot exist, and it certainly can't be published.

My guess is that even now, several years later, you have not heard that human footprints, predating human evolution by 3 million years (based on evolutionary dating) have been found.

Laetoli Footprints are Human

Observable Evidence vs. Blind Faith

We can look at the footprint evidence. Human footprints in Laetoli, Tanzania over 3 million years old. Human footprints in Crete nearly 6 million years old... years based on evolutionary thinking. Or trust your faith that evolution is true, and ignore or trivialize the evidence. Apparently we decide which one is right and which is the illusion.

You can look at the dinosaur footprint evidence in the Dinosaur Tracker Museum. Footprints that require very special conditions in order for them to be fossilized. Yet, there are billions of dinosaur footprints around the world (and raindrop impressions). All buried gently yet rapidly, in conditions only a global flood could produce. Flat mud bedding planes that go on for miles with no vegetation. Continent spanning sediment layers (aka megasequences), folded rock layers, and more (tap here). The evidence is overwhelming. The fossil and sediment record cries out, "Evolution never happened! There was a global flood!"

Next: Petrified Trees   Go Deeper: Suppress the Facts