Science Pastor Books
A Beginner's Guide to Tracking Dinosaurs - This is the companion book that goes with the museum. This book documents what you see in the museum (so you don't need to take notes). Starting with learning about dinosaur tracks and eggs, it demonstrates that the Biblical Global Flood was real and the only way to be saved was to go through the door of the ark. Most importantly, it shows that right NOW the only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ.
Order on AmazonJessup the Dinosaur Bible Activity Book - Kids love Jessup, the friendly young T-Rex dinosaur. And now Jessup has his own Bible Activity book filled with games, mazes, puzzles, coloring pages, memory verses and more. The activities are suitable for boys and girls in first through fourth grade.
Order on AmazonJessup the Dinosaur: The Search - Based on a true story. Jessup needs to find another dinosaur that is like him, but different, so he can get on the big boat. The warning has been sounded. The world is coming to an end. Can you help Jessup find another T-Rex dinosaur like him, yet different? (Children's book - ages baby through 5 years).
Order on AmazonANSWERS to 180 Humanist Accusations Against the Bible (two volumes) - Answers to every humanist accusation against the Bible as presented on the American Humanist web site. Answers to accusations about errors in the Bible, contradictions, God's cruelty and "errors" in science, prophecy and history.
Order Vol. 1 Order Vol. 2RUN! It's Jesus Calling - One of the most dangerous books on Christian selves is the Jesus Calling devotional. Find out why you should throw away this false devotional.
Order on AmazonMrs. Bartlett and Her Class - A true story about an amazing woman. Mrs. Bartlett attended Charles Spurgeon's church. She was a prayer warrior and evangelist who led many to Christ. An inspiring story about a woman who loved.
Order on AmazonThe Presence of God - A commentary on Esther. But not your ordinary commentary. This is a nail-biting story in which the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Order on AmazonHappy Are The... -A commentary on the Beatitudes. Jesus reveals how you can be blessed through the gospel
Order on AmazonYale President Timothy Dwight - A Biography - An extraordinary man, blind for most of his life, who changed lives of young men in New England and throughout early America.
Order on AmazonSarah Young's Jesus Always Exposed! - The sequel to Jesus Calling is a devotion called Jesus Always... another book that teaches New Age mysticism that all Christians (and non-Christians) should avoid.
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"Jesus Always" is another major devotional book from Sarah Young. This is a condensed version of "Jesus Always Exposed" book, covering the key dangers of this Sarah Young devotional.
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NEW BOOK coming in 2021. A Bible Study based on our web site.