Welcome To The Online Dinosaur Tracker Museum
This page introduces the museum and describes how the online tour works. There is a START TOUR: Introduction button at the bottom of this page. Tap that button to begin your tour.
Online Museum Overview
This museum presents the truth of Biblical creation. We take the observable facts and fossils, look at them without bias, and learn what they tell us.
The evaluation of fossils typically involves circular reasoning, with conclusions based on the assumption evolution happened. Here's a quote from a book called "Contested Bones." The subject is human evolution and fossils supposedly showing evolution:
"They will point to discoveries such as a partial skeleton that was found in Woranco-Mille in the Afar region of Ethiopia. This skeleton was much taller than Lucy, and was nicknamed 'Kadanuumuu' which means 'Big Man.' It was dated to 3.6 million years old and was included in the Afarensis hypodigm [a type of ape]. According to paleo-expert Haile Selassie, 'It had long legs and a torso and a pelvis more like a modern human than an African ape, showing that fully upright walking was in place at this early date.' The anatomy seen in the knee joint, pelvis, ribcage, shoulder blade, neck vertebra, and the overall body proportions neatly align with Homo sapiens/Homo erectus."
What Dr. Sanford is saying is that 100% human looking fossils are found mixed in with 100% ape looking fossils, all in the same location. The physical location is dated as 3 to 5 million years old. To those who assume evolution is true, an age of 3 to 5 million years means the human looking fossils cannot be human. Why? Because they assume humans had not evolved into existence that long ago. The only "logical" conclusion, based on the assumption evolution is real, is that the 100% human looking fossils cannot be accepted as human. They must be an ape. And viola! These human fossils become fossils of apes transitioning to humans. Proof humans evolved from apes!
Do you see what has happened? The conclusion is not based on what is observed. The facts are reinterpreted so as to get the desired conclusion. Here is how it works: The assumption is that, based on evolution being true, it is impossible for there to be three million year old human and ape fossils that are the same age. That means that was has been found cannot be what it plainly appears to be. The unbreakable rule is that what is physically observed is of no consequence, the conclusion MUST ALWAYS BE that evolution happened. That means that what appear to be fully human fossils must be re-interpreted as apes transitioning to human.
That's not science. That's meta-physics, a faith system (belief in evolution) requiring that the conclusion always be that evolution happened, without regard for the physical evidence.
Do you see what they are doing? The assumption evolution happened means fossils that are actually human must be re-interpreted to be those of an ape evolving to be human, and that supposedly proves evolution is true. Huh? It's circular.
The proper approach is to look at the fossils and accept them for what they are. In this case the are clearly human fossils. They have been found mixed with clearly ape fossils, as well as those of other animals. We need to take the evidence at face value. What the evidence plainly shows is that humans and apes lived together. Let's stick with the facts, and not get into circular reasoning. That's what our museum is about. The facts. The truth.