global flood - closed clams

What Do Dead Clams Tell Us?

Location: Oregon Coast Range

The photo above shows open mussel shells and closed (dead) clams. The mussel shells were collected recently, the closed clam are fossils.

A clam's muscles keep the clam shell closed. When a clam dies, its shell opens (as does a mussel's shell) Also, if a clam is buried in sediment, it can dig its way out. That's what clams do. That brings up the question: why are essentially all fossil clam shells, around the world, closed?

The only explanation is that the clams were buried so quickly and deeply that they could not dig their way out. And the pressure of the deep layers of sediment prevented the shell from opening when the buried clam died. We don't see conditions capable of doing that today. In addition, we see fossil closed clams globally. Whatever did this was not only massive, it was global.

The only historical event that produced the right conditions to bury clams around the world quickly and deeply was Noah's Flood.

evidence of flood closed clams

Flat Sediment Layers

Location: Flaming Gorge, Wyoming

Notice the different layers of sediment in the above photo. The boundary between layers is essentially a flat plane. If it took millions of years to deposit all these layers, as evolutionary theory states, there should be signs of erosion and vegetation growth within the layers. But there is none. Each layer is pancaked on top of the other. If the earth is millions of years old, what we observe here, and across the western North America, and around the world, is impossible. On the other hand this is exactly what we'd expect to see as the result of a global flood as described in the Bible.

Sediment Megasequences

While we are on the subject of sediment lays, another characteristic is that some of them span entire continents and even go into other continents. These are called Megasequences. Sediments are deposited by water. What size flood would it take to deposit up to 2000 meters thick across an entire continent? And the characteristic of these deposits are not like what would be expected from long term increases in water level.

Tab here for more information on megasequences.

More Global Flood Evidence: Bent Layers

Can rock such as shale or limestone be bent? Without breaking it? No.Rock doesn't bend. That's ridiculous Yet, in the Connecticut Valley where our dinosaur tracks come from, rock layers are bent at sharp angles. The same is seen in the western states, and in the Middle East, and around the world. How could rock be bent ion a massive scale, but not be broken?

The answer is that the rock had to have been bent while it was soft sediment, not yet hardened into rock. The means these thick, bent layers of sedimentary rock had to have been deposited quickly, not over time periods stretching out over millions of years. The lower layers of sediment would not have stayed soft waiting for the upper layers to be deposited. Bent layers are impossible stretched out over an evolutionary time frame. However, they are exactly what we'd expect to see as the result of a year long global flood.

Next: Noah's Flood