The Cause of the Universe
What types of characteristics would the cause of the universe have to have?
(1) Exist outside of time. That means the cause is eternal.
(2) All powerful. The universe has a billion galaxies, each with a billion stars, and there is more to the universe than the galaxies. The cause of the universe has to be not simply powerful, but all powerful.
(3) Non-material (spirit). Since the cause creates all material things, the cause cannot be material.
(4) Incredibly intelligent. Design can be seen throughout the universe. The cause would have to conceive of this design, conceive of what we call the natural laws, figure out how it will interact and work together, plan it all and then cause it all to happen. That takes intelligence beyond our imagination.
It's impossible for finite beings like us to know the mind of such an incredible creator cause of our universe. But, it seems logical that the creator cause, having intentionally created intelligent living beings (us), would have provided a means for us to know the creator cause.
He has....
Without a creator cause we end up resorting to picking from two impossibilities:
(A) Turtles all the way down. This was the mythological idea that the earth was supported on the back of a turtle (or elephant). What supported that turtle? It stood on the back of another turtle. And what supported that one? It stood on the back of still another turtle. It is turtles all the way down. This is what is called an infinite regress, and is obviously not realistic.
(B) Everything came from nothing. It's been interesting to watch evolution evangelists try to define nothing as something, but nothing MEANS nothing. And it is obvious that something does not come from nothing.
So what about this creator cause? What means would he logically provide for us so that we could learn about him and know him?