Dinosaur Models

hunter the sauropod

We have a number of life-size models of dinosaurs, including a T-Rex, triceratops, and a sauropod. Our dinosaurs have joined us in our booth outreaches and at presentations in schools. When we say "life-size," most of them are life-size, for juveniles. One of the key questions we answer is, "How could all the dinosaurs fit on Noah's ark?" The answer is that God would have brought juveniles (small dinosaurs) to the ark.

We do have a model of one fully grown dinosaur... a raptor. Here are pictures of three of our dinosaurs, including the raptor.

Hunter the Sauropod

Hunter is just over four feet long. In this picture (top photo) he had joined us at the Astoria Sunday Market. A woman wanted a picture of Hunter with her dog, showing that the dog is as big as a dinosaur.

jessup the T-Rex dinosaur

Jessup the T-Rex

Jessup is our most popular dinosaur. He always draws a crowd, and parents love taking pictures of their kids with Jessup. So far he has been good and hasn't taken a bite out of anyone. Jessup's dad is featured on our popular T-Rex pulling a stagecoach gospel tract.

Because of his popularity, we have two children's books featuring Jessup. One is a picture book called "Jessup the Dinosaur: The Search." The other is a children's activity book called, "Jessup the Dinosaur's Bible Activity Book." Tap here for more information about all of our books.

Our Adult Raptor

full size raptor

Our fully grown dinosaur is a raptor similar to "Blue" from the Jurassic Park movie (but without a blue stripe). Everyone seems to recognize him right away. He is another favorite for pictures with both adults and kids. He stands about five feet tall.,/p>

This dinosaur gives us an opportunity to start a conversation about truth. In the movie this type of dinosaur was called a velociraptor. However, velociraptors were much smaller. The movie was misrepresenting the dinosaur... but there is a place you can go to for the truth. The Bible. Did you know the Bible says you will exist forever?

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