Is Bird Evolution Even Possible?
The answer is no.
One way to look at this is the fact that evolution has been scientifically proven to be impossible. We are actually devolving, getting worse and losing information, instead of evolving. This is discussed in books such as "Darwin Devolves" by Dr. Michael Behe and "Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome" by Dr. John Sanford. However, we are not going to look at all of evolution. We're going to focus on dinosaur to bird evolution. In addition to the science that shows evolution in general is impossible, dinosaur to bird evolution is impossible because the changes required would kill the dinosaur before it could become a bird.
Lungs / Cardiovascular
This first one is definitely a dinosaur killer. Dinosaurs have bellows lungs that are similar to those of present-day crocodiles. They breathe in, and then they breathe out, like we do. Their cardiovascular structure is designed to meet the needs of short bursts of high energy, but overall they are a low energy animal, even including having narrow nostrils (low air flow) like a crocodile. On the other hand flying is a very high energy activity, and birds have a cardiovascular system designed to meet the needs of flying. To get the huge amount of oxygen they need, birds have a once-through type lung system that has five sacs. Birds need an oxygen supply that never stops, unlike our bellows in-and-out system. (When we breath out we stop taking in oxygen.) Why? Because that's what it takes to fly.
There is no viable step-by-step pathway to go from a bellows lung to a once-through lung. They are radically different. You can't have half of one and half of the other. Both would be nonfunctional and the dinosaur dies. And if the needed structures started to develop, it's obvious they cannot be used until fully functional. The result is that these useless additions would place such an added burden on the dinosaur that natural selection would eliminate the dinosaur (the dinosaur dies).
It's simple to say the words, "Dinosaur lungs evolved to become bird lungs." without considering the changes involved. But, from the perspective of providing the needed oxygen while the change in lung design is taking place, it can't happen.